This post was actually written a few days ago before the blog was set up...
Friday 17th September
First day of my Masters course, and have been set a task entitled ‘Gateways’. Not got loads of ideas yet but one thing I was thinking was some sort of collage made up of old pictures of Preston making the shape of a gateway (black and white pictures) with newer current colour pictures filling out the middle. This is to represent that the old pictures built the gateway to the new, i.e. the old Preston built up to what we have now.
Will think on this more later.
Also in general am very excited to be back at university. I really want to learn lots of new stuff this year and build up a portfolio of awesomeness!
Also need to look into setting up a blog for this diary.... (Done that now)
Quite excited to start my main project for this year, still haven't sorted out what this will be on yet though hopefully I want to do lots of 3D modelling (both character and environment) and I'd also love to do some sort of animated piece such as a cutscene. I'm not entirely sure what I will be allowed yet as this must first be discussed with a tutor but I'm considering perhaps some sort of 'Encountering the Boss Monster' style scene, maybe set around some sort of Harem or something really exotic like that which I can do some really neat costume and set designing, and maybe a cool Naga Queen or such as a boss... then again I would also love to do something like a song PV to do some really intricate animation set to music.... I have a dancer friend I'd love to pull on board with help choreographing something like that... as for music I'm unsure as of yet.... Been listening to Butterfly on your right shoulder by Len Kagamine a LOT and I'd love to do something really high energy like that but again I'm not sure what I'd be allowed to do as of yet....
(Song Written by Nori P, Illustration by Akiakane)
(Song Written by Nori P, Illustration by Akiakane)
But those are my two main ideas for this year’s work really.... will have to think on this some more though.
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