Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Windows Cats and Ocean ruins

Long time no blog! (2 weeks nearly! )
After some more work on my previous stained glass window model I have finally produced a few more lighting variations for this set to finish my experiments.

I’m particularly proud of that last one in the up-lit green! Rather spooky if I do say so myself.
So where have I gone since then?
Well I’m looking further into examples of films, games and plays where mood lighting and camera have been used to great effect.


(Example screenshots taken from CATS the Musical, no copyright infringement intended.)
It’s strange but since starting this project I cannot seem to watch a film now without inspecting the lights.
I even found myself examining how the light from a bedroom on my house’s landing was casting yellow light onto the wall while the dim light from outside left blue shadows and thinking to myself how very remarkable it was.
So that research is ongoing. At the same time I have been looking at modelling a nice environment in which to showcase all the mood setting effects I learn this semester.
The environment I have chosen to create is based on this image I drew a while back:
So far trying to recreate this environment I have learned a good deal, in particular about ocean shaders and particle effects, and I hope to discover a great deal more too if possible.
And so on that happy note I shall conclude today’s blog with a few in-progress shots of the ‘sunken temple’ environment:

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