Just a small update, in terms of lighting I've made some adjustments but the main point of this blog is that I thought it was worth noting the newest addition to my Sunken Temple scene.
Meet Mr Fishie:
I’d been considering for a while adding a fish to my scene but doubted very much I could manage it. Yet lo and behold here he is. Mr Fishie is able to swim a pre-set path around the whole room weaving in and out of obstacles as you can see here illustrated by the green line:
That’s Mr Fishie there in the bottom right (Purple thing).
I’ve also managed to attach a wake emitter to him so that a ripple effect will follow him as he moves around. (Purple box)
Mr Fishie is loosely based upon a fighter fish as suggested by a friend. Though I say loosely as my modelling skills are the best and I also did not invest too much time in modelling him in detail as I want to keep the scene as low poly as I possibly can where necessary, so as to reduce render times.
(Picture from http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/lachesis/images/classes/vision_final/images/fighterFishMedly.bmp)
As you can also see from the top down I’ve been doing quite a bit of set dressing adding shells and such to much of the scene, making it feel that little bit fuller and more natural.
Next I plan to add some various different types of coral and weed, some of it animated if I can.
And so to finish here’s a very short rough video where you can see Mr Fishie in action, sort of.
Also since watching this video I’ve edited the way Mr Fishie moves so it looks a little more fish like and less ‘tail wagging’ like.
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