Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Creating Clara - Update 5

Well I'm having a frustrating week thus far I'll admit.

Finally successfully managed to rig and weight Clara to a satisfactory level... though I'm very annoyed with how badly the skirt moves, I didn't realise that a skirt would be so very much of a problem to weight as this but I can live with how it is right now I think....

What I'm not happy with are the eyes, although the controls for them work great when the head is static, If I move the head or upper body controls so that the head is no longer in its neutral or starting position (this includes leaning in any direction or tilting/turning) then we have a problem.
The eyes seem to move fine and stay in place in the head, but the minute the eye controls are adjusted they float into or out of the head in a very bizarre manner, granted still aiming at the controls, and I'm not quite sure how to fix it....

Going to have to ask my tutor about this when I'm next in on Friday, though that seems to waste an  awful lot of time, and for now just don't look at it and try my best not to cry.
It seems that thought the eye controls are parented to the full body controller and therefore move with the full body, they aren't parented to the head controller which is the problem... though simply parenting the eye controls to the head controls just does crazy things, as does trying to parent the eyes themselves to anything but the main model mesh.... I'm really hoping to not have to re-weight it all at the end of this :(

On the good side I've learnt how to used locators to make sure the tools on the belt stay pointing down towards gravity at all times so that's a somewhat good thing I guess.

One problem down and one to replace it, but what can you do eh?

Even though its still not quite perfect and I haven't actually gotten any animation done yet, or the eyes fixed to work, here's a short video to show how the rigging works so far:

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