Well it sure has been a while now hasn't it? But I'm back again with semester three closing in very soon next month.
Its been a busy few months for me since back in May thats for sure, with my new internship keeping me busy all the time but there has been a small amount of progress with work too.
Over the last few months at my new job I have learnt an awful lot about both Flash and Blender and Blender has in fact taken over Maya in my new 3dmodelling software of choice due to the fact that it is sooooooooooooooo much less fussy than Maya is.
To tie in with the large amounts of low poly modelling and animation I have learnt over the past 4 months or so my final university semester is going to be the complete opposite of last semester's high poly animation challenge.
This time around I shall be compiling an Almanac of monsters (designed by me obviously) but modelled and animated with as few polys and bones as possible.
Basically working as simply as I can whilst still retaining the quality.
(For those of you who dont know what an Almanac is, think a Pokedex from pokemon)
I am compiling this Almanac in Unity which is proving fairly challanging, but the results so far have been quite positive.
Heres a screenshot of how it looks so far sans the monsters:
Currently I am midway through making the first of my monsters, The Medusa Snake; as pictured below:
Here is how the model looks currently as it stands:
At the moment I'm midway through UV mapping that twisty snakey hair, which is proving challenging to say the least! Hopefully though, with the long weekend provided by the bank holiday I shall have him UV'ed and textured soon enough.
Hopefully the next update wont be long, so until then I bid you all good day.
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