Tuesday 10 May 2011

Give me one more day, just wait and see.

And finally heres my final Double Lariat animation, featuring Clara. Just to nicely round off the semester.

The power of Playblast

Well guys, I've just discovered the magic that is saving a video of the animation with controls visable via the Playblast feature. So I thought I'd upload a now firly final version of my 'Double Lariat' animation I had be working on on the side:

I deided since I'd put rather a lot of effort into this I should probably hand it in and show I've not been slacking off these last few weeks; though I have not completed the entire song/dance routine The reason for this is just how long it takes me to do even a few seconds of animation in comparison to how much time I have left  before hand in, (aka very little as my job completely rules out weekdays). SO I figured Id rather complete part of the animation well, than all of it badly.

The song used is the English lyric version of the song, which is being performed by Youtube's Rockleetist and can found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ToyuF4Hpxs (cute cat music video is cute)