Sunday 25 September 2011

Back at last

Well this weekend was my first back at university for what will be my final semester.

Overall I''m pleased with my progress though many changes to the overall look of my GUI have been requested, some easy enough but others exceedingly not so and the rest of the weekend was spent tearing my hair out over the evil program known only as Unity.

Hopefully I will be able to add a nice page turning transition between entries in my Almanac, though I have yet to find how to implement the animation then transition to the GUI.

With the changes I've managed so far it certainly looks much nicer already, though I am feeling a bit panicky about getting the transition done as I'm more than clueless when it come to coding. However if I am somehow miraculously successful then it will make for a much nicer looking project.

Here's a few screenshots to show the changes made thus far to the design of the GUI:
(this took an excruciating amount of time to rearrange the text by eye to the right coordinates in pixels)

Also I have now finished modelling and UV mapping my second monster the Kelpie so hopefully it shouldn't take too long to texture and animate him and pop him into the Almanac, so were finally starting to gain a little bit of momentum.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Entry 1 - The Meduasa Snake

Well finally the first of my Almanac entries, The Medusa Snake, is complete!
A productive weekend for certain.

First of all here is the video of the animation I made for him, admittedly I'm a little unhappy with the 'popping' effect of the render due to the low poly count and high reflectivity of the material the texture is applied to. However there is little to be done about this; and it wont actually affect the final Almanac version so its not too much of an issue really, more a minor annoyance.

And here is a screenshot of how he appears in his Almanac entry:

Notice the slight coloured hues in the lights coming from various directions to give him a creepy look? The lessons of the first semester have not been forgotten!

Another feature added to this in unity is the fact that rotating the mouse allows the viewer to turn the monster model around and view it from any angle. I'm quite proud I got it to work... too a lot of messing about....

Friday 9 September 2011

Medusa printers and only one shoe....

Just thought I'd post todays progress on my Almanac project. Today I finally got around to finishing Medusa's texture! Yay!

I also had an epic battle with my printer, cleaned out the wardrobe and found a very nice right shoe under my bed... but really that is irrelevant....