Saturday 29 January 2011

Tangled in Inspiration

Well last night I went to the cinema with my family to see the new Disney film Tangled (aka Rapunzel) and dear lord did this film really inspire me to further my 3D work even more!!
(also the first film I've watched so far in 3D and I must say I was impressed at what I saw as it was nothing like what I'd expected from 3D films)

But seriously I must say, forget Avatar (lame) THIS is the best 3D animated film I have EVER seen!! The lighting, the characters, the subtle animation its was truly SUBLIME to watch down to the smallest detail!
In particular, Rapunzel's hair!! It was absolutely stunningly animated!

I thought that the days of Classic Disney were truly dead and gone but I've been proven wrong once and for all! Just WOW I want to see this film again and again, probably my favourite current film, perhaps in years! Truly a work of art!!!

In MY modelling news, seeing that film inspired to me to have another shot at improving Clara's face (as it being not quite right has been bothering me) and its certainly improving, especially with my recent discovery of the existence of the 'mirror selection' setting and the 'sculpt geometry tool'! Why has no one shown me these till now!?
Also I've moved on to start the texturing of the model now too, which is going nicely!

A render of how the model is progressing:

In case you cannot tell the face has been drastically smoothed and rounded out, the eyes changed shape and softened, the nose made more  natural with a better bridge and just... well the whole thing changed really.... and the mouth made drastically smaller again.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Creating Clara - Update 3

Well I’m pleased to say that at LAST Clara is all finished (modelling wise) and ready to uvmap/texture/build a skeleton for/weight/animate...
And so, I shall upload a little video here as a celebration, just of a simple turnaround of the model.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Creating Clara - Update 2

Yet another update documenting how my 'Clara' model is coming along.
After spending most of the day yesterday and half of the day today wrestling with Maya I've given up on my initial idea of using ncloth on the skirt and neck ruffle to make the fabric nicely animated, and instead I intend to make it a static mesh and perhaps add some form of jointing or other controls just to affect the skirt enough to stop it overlapping the rest of the model's geometry. But for now I'm just pressing forwards with the initial modelling.

On this front I have found I've still made quite a bit of good progress despite my delays trying out ncloth, and have managed to model a good portion of the torso. Next I shall move on to the legs with shoes and shorts, then place a skirt over it before moving onto the arms and finally belt with bag and accessories/tools etc.

So here are a few more progress shots of where I am, as of midday:

Monday 24 January 2011

Creating Clara - Update 1

Just a quick update today on all the progress I've made modelling my first character Clara the Mechanic. I haven't been able to do LOADS this weekend due to being at work ( T^T ) all weekend but I've gotten the main bulk of the head, minus the goggles and some accessories done, so I thought that was update worthy.

So here she is so far. Clara the mechanic's head:

I love her twisty hair donuts!

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Clara Character Progress

Okay then, further to my previous entry I've done some design work on the character Clara. She was quite a hard one to nail down at first as my initial sketches tended to look either too boyish or to girly, but finally I think I've achieved the nice balance.

 I wanted giving her a quite mature and feminine outfit, but one which she's added to and changed, so as to make it more functional for working/moving around, i.e the big goggles, thick work gloves, the skirt tucked up out of the way, the utility belt etc.

Ideas sketches:

Initial concept sketch:

 I really liked the idea of a character who drank tea from dainty china teacups whilst wearing big think padded work gloves.

Colour Options

Chosen Colours
Final Design - Black and White Turnaround:

I'm rather pleased with the outcome and cant wait to get started working on her.

Steampunk Revisited

Well after another talk with my tutor on the direction of the next project, it seems that I’ve decided to body swerve a full animated piece, in favour of some shorter (but hopefully more polished) pieces for now. And those of you who've followed me previously might be glad to hear this me and I will be revisiting  the realms of the Steampunk genre once more in a series of short character intros, suitable for the use in both games or TV the likes of which are shown here on the website of the children's TV show ‘Storm Hawks’.
Initially I had never intended to delve back into my Steampunk work, but it seems that my previous work last semester, whilst nice, lacked any sort of grungy dirty feel to it.... it all looked to new and pristine if you will. And it seems that my previous work on this genre was rather successful to say the least with Steampunk being a rather up and coming kind of genre and growing in popularity.
So with the suggestion of perhaps designing a daring duo of adventurers I set about researching until I remembered there were a few characters I’d designed previously, who I’d felt I’d rushed, thrown to one side and never looked at again, but who held great potential, obviously were I to re-design them afresh, stripping them away to the very basic concepts and rebuilding them with more thought.
And so I have decided upon my two characters for this semester’s work: The geeky mechanic girl, and the Clockwork man.
Clara – A goggle wearing, ever enthusiastic, explorer with a passion and talent for machines. At the same time she is rather useless with the other aspects of life such as human interactions or domestic skills. She is known to be reckless at times and is almost guaranteed to speak without thinking and say the exact wrong thing. Her gentle naivety whilst quite endearing makes life hard work for her shipmate.
To sum it up, I wanted to make a female character who was neither completely stereotypically pathetic and in need of ‘saving’ all the time, nor stereotypically macho and super duper fighter who speak 50 languages is super smart and is better at everything than all of the boys whilst still strikingly gorgeous etc etc yadda yadda heard it all before. Because NO ONE is like that.
 Instead I wanted a more HUMAN female character, a bit nerdy, a bit hopeless at times, has something she’s good at but is a bit rubbish at other things too, and not in a ‘only has one flaw such as ‘being a bit clumsy’ but it only makes her cuter’ kind of way.

Jeminius aka Jem – A timid and well spoken young man Clara met on her travels. He lost his right arm, foot and half of his face in a terrible locomotive accident.  A passing doctor helped rig him up with some mechanical parts to help him function better; but without the knowledge to properly maintain his new body, he has found himself swept into Clara’s crazy world of adventures, providing a helping hand around the ship, and the occasional bit of brilliant marksmanship, in exchange for her mechanical knowledge.
For the male character, a concept I’d previously really wanted to explore more was that of a half robotic (but steampunk rather than cyborg) man. He’d be completely reliant on the female character at times to do maintenance work on his robotic parts, and so much against his will he’s dragged around on ‘adventures’ which, though he complains about as he is a bit cowardly, he secretly enjoys.
The idea of animating and portraying a character that has for example a face half cobbled together from robotic pieces fascinates me. May a time characters are used that have robotic limbs and such to show they’re tough and battle scarred, but instead I wish with this character to portray someone who was once probably a regular person, but perhaps was involved in a terrible accident and now has to rely on their robotic pieces to function. And as a result of this, they are instead a more timid wary character.
In contrast to the female who is great with machines, he knows nothing of how to maintain his body, but in return he looks out for and provides companionship to her; often making up for her lack of social skills.
Also in contrast to many robotic characters who often seem to just have their extra parts ‘tagged on’ but function completely normally. I want the character to have half of his face, the mechanical part, to be completely frozen and non-functioning. Partially due to lack of realism in the many robotic or part robotic characters I’ve seen whose face’s stretch and deform as if the metal parts are simply drawn onto their skin. This is highly unrealistic and looks rather lame. And also partially as I think it would provide a real challenge to show emotion and have the viewer/player empathize with this character if for example he is unable to smile or frown or whatnot with one half of his face, due to it being welded to a large piece of metal.
Plus it’d be fun to rig and animate some cool moving gears and such on a character.
Character designs to follow when I finalise them, but dependant on how quickly I can mange them Clara may be the only one to get done and leave Jem in reserve.

If by some miracle I get BOTH done (highly unlikely) then I may add a THIRD character. His Majesty the Cat. He serves no real purpose other than to be fat and sarcastic (communicator/translator device, NOT talking feline) and have to float about with some sort of jet pack 'cause hes too fat to walk.

Monday 17 January 2011

Rigging Rolemodels

So tomorrow is the start of the second semester of my masters course and I’m eagerly awaiting the feedback for my first before I can move on to doing various awesome things this semester where I shall hopefully look into rigging and animating various things from people, animals and anything else I can think of/find the time for.
So far over the Christmas period I have been doing a lot of research into learning to better model and rig characters in Maya using the many amazing tutorials that can be found on the net, surprisingly mostly youtube.
I would definitely recommend the works of
These guys work are amazing and have helped me enormously!
Here are a few work-in-progress shots of what I’ve done so far (using my previous ‘marionette’ design as it seemed a good a choice as any). Still not quite sure on the design of the eyes overall... I liked how they looked on the first one overall.... they may get changed back before the end of this....

Also I learnt how to incorporate a ‘rubber hose’ effect as shown below. But for now I’m leaving it out of this model as it’s a bit messy and complicated and I doubt I’ll actually use it anyways.
But here's a shot of what it looked like done.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Showreel Showcase

I'm starting the new year by updating with a show reel of my favourite work so far, over the few years I've been studying games design (both uni work and personal pieces). I thought it might be a good idea to keep a collection like this which I can update as I go along as a nice portfolio filler.

Finished off a few little modelling jobs I never got around to for various hand ins, and there's even a nice quality version of my temple video as well as my latest modelling ventures.

Hope you enjoy it!